EAT THE INVADERS Timeline and stories about the arrival of invasive species.

INVASIVE PLANT ATLAS Want to identify a plant from seed to seedling? Best ID photos for any stage during the growing season.

INVASIVE WEEDS Numerous photos of invasive plants in North America plus links, including an informative video, “Plants Out of Place.”

LEAST WANTED PLANTS Facts on invasive plants with photos, descriptions, ecological threats, reproduction, control, and alternative native plants.

LONG ISLAND INVASIVE SPECIES MANAGEMENT AREA LIISMA is an organization of plant experts and others dedicated to advancing native plants on Long Island. Meets quarterly.

MISTAKEN IDENTITY PLANTS Pictorial guide to invasive plants and their native look-a-likes.

NEW YORK STATE INVASIVE PLANTS NYS Prohibited and Regulated Plants: Names and pictures of plants on NYS’s Do Not Sell List.